Frequent questions
In which countries is the music section of OK.RU available?
The music section of OK.RU is available in the following countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine.
What is the file size of the OK.RU APK?
The OK.RU APK file takes up about 200 MB, so you'll need to adjust the storage space on your Android to be able to use this app without problems.
How can I download OK.RU for Android?
You can download OK.RU for Android from the Freedown platform, where you'll find the latest version of this app's APK. Once the file is downloaded, simply grant the necessary installation permissions and run it.
Is OK.RU free?
Yes, OK.RU is free. As usual for this type of social app, it also offers in-app purchases, this time to access music without ads.
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